Patrick Durnford

“Patrick is a quiet and unassuming individual. But beneath the surface of his otherwise friendly and open demeanour, lies a shrewd and creative brain with a core of commercial steel”

Read Patrick’s full profile


When you first meet Patrick, you’ll quickly see that he is a quiet and unassuming individual. But don’t let that hide the fact that beneath the surface of his otherwise friendly and open demeanour, lies a shrewd and creative brain with a core of commercial steel. Nor will it take long for him to reveal his wit or his encyclopaedic knowledge of history. If you’re going to get stuck in a lift with someone, you could do a lot worse than being stuck with Patrick.

Patrick shows time and again that he is a real thinker, and demonstrates this through real out-of-the-box solutions to ostensibly straight forward situations. Who else would have proposed purchasing a burnt out shell of a petrol station by seeing its potential as a vital cog in the long term sustainability strategy of a rural estate (see the case study “Fuelling the future for estate income”).

With nearly two decades’ experience of agricultural, residential and commercial property, Patrick has worked in both the private and commercial sector and acts for a number of clients across central southern England. He is the moral compass of the office and considers it a privilege to work in the countryside using his knowledge, skills and experience to help generate income to the Estate, as well as supporting rural employment and contributing to vibrant and thriving communities and places.

When Patrick is managing an Estate, you know all the objectives will be met in abundance, though you might be pleasantly surprised in the manner in which they are achieved.

Fuelling the future for estate income

Reframing a physical blight into a genuine asset for the estate

Understanding an estate’s assets requires more than just “stocktaking” of those elements that generate income. Every feature of an estate, from its geography, demography, infrastructure, as well as its traditional commercial, farming and leisure potential can be usefully deployed to fully maximise the potential of the estate.

Patrick’s skills

Increasing Rent Roll


Project Management

Landlord and Tenant

Acquisition and Sales
